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Jump Up! - St. Croix, USVI

Jump Up,

Jump Up, which is held four times each year, is a "carnival like" cultural party held in the streets and along the boardwalk of Christiansted, St. Croix. It has become one of the islands favorite social events for both locals and visitors alike. It is sponsored by the CRRA (Christiansted Restaurant & Retail Association).

The streets are closed down and the party begins at 6pm and goes until about 10pm.  Stores and restaurants in town stay open late, offering special discounts. You will also find many vendors on the streets, offering food and drink, arts and crafts, fine hand-crafted jewelry and much more.

Live music is also a big part of Jump Up. You'll see steel drum bands along with many other musicians on almost every corner. Mocko Jumbies, said to ward off evil, dance in the streets and add to the carnival atmosphere. The Mocko Jumbie has been a part of Virgin Islands culture for more than 200 years. The sound of music and the smell of food is everywhere. You can sample some local cuisine while you listen to some authentic Caribbean music.

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